户外 sex 2008高考英语必会词汇精讲系列-S
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讲本色所以字母n开动的短语辨析1、near户外 sex, nearly
near用作副词时,有nearly(果然,差未几)的好奇,就是almost, 这技术不错通用。不外,时常在暗意这一层好奇时,东说念主们俗例用nearly,而很少用near,尤其是用来修饰数词时。举例:it is nearly ten o'clock. 差未几十点钟了。dinner is nearly ready. 晚饭就要好了。i was near (or: nearly) being killed; it was a very near thing. 我果然丧命,真悬。there are nearly enough people here to do the job. 干这项活,这里东说念主手差未几够了。
near在作描述词时,主要用来暗意步地、时辰,有“在左近”和“面对”的好奇。举例:don't go far away; stay somewhere near. 别走远,就在左近呆着。the spring festival is drawing near. 春节行将降临。
介意:副词nearly要尽可能集合它所修饰的阿谁词或词组,不然,有可能会影响全句的好奇。试比拟:our production brigade nearly lost fifty cattle in the flood. 咱们坐褥队在发激流时果然弃世了五十头牛。(事实上莫得弃世)our production brigade lost nearly fifty cattle in the flood. 咱们坐褥队在激流中弃世了差未几五十头牛。(事实上弃世了快要五十头)
2、necessary, necessity
necessary作名词用时,尽管与necessity同义,均可暗意“必需品”,“必要的东西”的好奇,但用法有别。necessary尽管是可数名词,但频频用作复数方法necessaries; necessity可用作可数名词,既可用作单数,也可用作复数,但常见作复数。试比拟:these are our necessaries of life. 这些是咱们的活命必需品。the shop is selling daily necessaries. 阿谁商店正在出售日用品。air is a necessity. 空气是必需品。good maps are a necessity to travellers. 好的舆图是旅行者必不可少的东西。food, water and clothes are the basic necessities of life. 食品,水和穿戴是基本的必需品。
necessity主要用作不可数名词,暗意概括的见地,有“必要性,势必性”的好奇,necessary作名词则莫得这些含义。举例:there is no necessity for me to do this. 我莫得作念这件事的必要。he feels the necessity to have an outing. 他认为有必要出外游玩一次。
3、near to, next to
near to的好奇是 “接近,集合”,指时辰、空间及距离上的接近。next to的好奇是“紧靠着”,指位置上的相互紧靠。举例:it's getting near to our spring festival. 春节快要到了。the chemical works is built too near to us. 这个化工场造得离咱们太近了。as we got near to the town it began to snow. 当咱们快到镇上时,天开动下雪了。the girl came and sat next to me. 这个女孩走过来并坐在我边上。the two cinemas are next to each other. 这两个电影院靠得很近。i don't like wool next to my skin. 我不可爱平直穿羊毛衫。
next to另可暗意“果然”及“仅次于”,它常用于next to nothing结构,暗意“果然莫得”,相等于almost nothing。举例:i knew next to nothing about the matter. 对这件事我果然一无所知。next to dancing, i like playing the guitar. 除了舞蹈,我最可爱弹吉它。new york is the largest city next to london. 纽约是仅次于伦敦的最大城市。
4、no more...than, not more...than
no more...than就是not...any more than,意为“同...同样不”,意味着两者王人抵赖。no more后可接名词,描述词,副词或动词;than是隶属连词,常引出不详的比拟状语从句。两个分句的要点时常在前一个分句,翻译时要把分句的次序倒置,能力抒发出要点来。举例:a fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears. 愚东说念主之弗成自知其蠢,如同其弗成自见其耳。i am no more fond of playing the guitar than he is. 我和他王人不可爱弹吉他。
no more than连用,就是not any more than, 后来多接数词,暗意“只不外是,只是”的好奇,相等于only。举例:there are no more than ten tickets left. 仅剩下十张票。
not more... than就是less...than或not so...as,暗意“不足,不如;不比...更”的好奇,意味着两者王人细目,但着要点时常在从句,翻译时按本来次第译出即可。举例:it goes without saying that this subject is not more important than that one. 毋庸质疑,这个问题不比阿谁问题更错误。
not more than连用,后来也一般接数词,暗意“不提升……,至多(=at most)"的好奇。举例:i read not more than twenty pages every day. 我每天最多读二十页书。the reservoir was built by a productive brigade of not more than 200 households. 这个水库是由一个不到二百户东说念主家的坐褥大队建筑的。
5、no one else户外 sex, no other one
这两个词组王人暗意“莫得别东说念主或别的东西”的好奇,两者不错换用。其中的one均为代名词,指代东说念主或物;else和other均为描述词,不同的是前者作后置描述词,后者作前置描述词。举例:there is no one else (or: no other one) to compare with him in this respect. 在这方面无东说念主能比得上他。no other one(or: no one else) knows about it. 再莫得别的东说念主知说念这件事。
值得介意的是, else作描述词时,频频用来修饰疑问代词,复合不定代词(如:somebody, anything, anyone等)草率含罕有量道理的代名词(如: much, little, all等)。else也可作副词,用来修饰疑问副词草率以where 驱散的复合疑问副词(如:anywhere, nowhere等)。举例:what else did she say? 她还说了什么?it must have been somewhere else. 细目是在其他什么场合。you should put your honor above all else. 你应当把荣誉放在其他一切之上。not much else is known. 其他王人不清亮。
other作描述词时,只用来修饰名词草率代名词one/ ones, 其位置只可位于所修饰的(代)名词之前。举例:i am studying maxism-leninism, mathematics and other subjects. 我正学习马克想列宁主张,数学和其他课程。
介意:else和other均可用来修饰带any, some, a few等的名词。举例:i don't want any books else.(= i don't want any other books.) 我再不需要其他书了。
6、no use, of no use
这两个词组王人用在说合动词be的背面作表语,暗意“没灵验”的道理,两者在道理上莫得什么辩认,不错通用,只是它们的语法结构不同样。no use作表语是因为use前边有描述词no的缘由。如果莫得描述词no, use则弗成单独作表语。弗成说this book is use.只可说:this book is of use草率:this book is useful.再举例:this book is (of) no use. 这本书没灵验。complaining is (of) no use. 衔恨是没灵验的。
of no use属于“of+概括名词”结构,这种结构相等于相应的同根描述词。它有细目方法和抵赖方法,抵赖方法一般亦然在概括名词前加描述词no(如of no use)。举例:this reference material is of no use to us. (= this reference material isn't useful to us.) 这种参考费力对咱们是没灵验的。this medicine is of no use to your cold. 这种药对你的伤风没灵验。
reading without remembering is no use.
reading without remembering is of no use.
it is no use reading without remembering.
it is of no use reading without remembering.
there is no use in / of reading without remembering.读而不记是没灵验的。
7、none, no one
none主要用作代词。作代词时,不错指东说念主,是“莫得什么东说念主”的好奇;也不错指物,是“莫得什么东西”的好奇。none时常受of引起的介词短语的甩手,of后可接复数可数名词,作东语时,谓语动词多用复数方法;of后接不可数名词时,其谓语动词只然而单数方法。none of之后的可数名词或代词必须指三个以上的东说念主草率事物。举例:none of the passengers were aware of the danger. 这些搭客中莫得东说念主刚烈到危境性。none of us are interested in the story. 咱们王人对这个故事不感意思意思。none of the money was ever recorded. 极少钱王人莫得获取。
no one中的no是描述词,one是代词,常用于白话中,一般用来指东说念主,其含义是“not even one(连一个东说念主也不/莫得)”因此它比none的好奇要强。no one作东语时,谓语动词只可用单数方法。举例:no one was killed in that battle. 在那次斗争中莫得东说念主死心。apart from him, i had no one to talk to. 除了他除外,我莫得东说念主不错交谈。
8、now that, only that 这是两个由“连词+that"组成的复合连词,其连词是中心词,that是一个虚词,常可省去。now that本是“副词+that"而组成的复合连词,但由于that可不详,于是now就被认为是连词了。now that指引的是原因状语从句,但它主如若诠释一种新的情况,从句与主句的因果干系很小,含有“现实”的意味,因此有的语法学者把它称为“现实条款连词”。此短语一般译为“既然,由于”,相等于since。举例:now that jane had gone and left, or as good as left him, it would have been a comfort to see his son. 简既然走了,离开了,草率说果然是摒弃了他,那么他就不错和女儿碰面了,这是何等心安的事。now that the weather has improved, we'll be able to enjoy the game. 由于目下天气也曾好转,咱们将能不雅赏这场比赛了。
only that主要指引条款状语从句,与except that的道理推敲,暗意“要不是,除...之外”的好奇,从句频频位于主句之后;它无意还可指引谋略状语从句,作“只是为了”解。举例:he would probably do well in the examination, only that he gets rather nervous. 要不是他有极少垂危,他可能考得很好。i have nothing against him, only that i dislike his manner. 我除了不可爱他的作风外,并莫得反对他。he often praises others only that he may be praised. 他时常只是为了求得别东说念主的表扬而歌咏别东说念主。
9、no tailor, not a tailor
国内2018自拍视频在线no tailor和not a tailor在句子中充任主语、宾语时,两者均暗意“莫得一个成衣”,不错替换用。如下列两句王人暗意“莫得一个成衣想要给与这份责任”:no tailor wants to take this job.not a tailor wants to take this job.
当no tailor和not a tailor在句子顶用在be动词后,充任表语时,两者道理总计不同。前者暗意“不懂成衣,决不是成衣”,指某东说念主不具备当成衣的条款,是新手,无阅历作念成衣;后者“不是个成衣”,指某东说念主的干事或身份不是成衣。试比拟:don't ask me to shorten the trousers for you. i'm no tailor. 别叫我为你改短裤子,我不懂成衣。you're mistaken! he is not a tailor. he has a job as a barber. 你弄错了!他不是个成衣,他是个剪发师。
no加上一个暗意干事的名词的例子还有:she is no cook. she will probably get all the food from a restaurant. 她不会作念饭,她可能会从餐馆里买来总计的饭菜。this is no joke. i am no judge. 这决不是开打趣的事,我根底莫得审理的阅历。
10、noise, sound, voice
noise暗意“杂音,喧闹声”,一般指嘈杂,吵闹等令东说念主不快的声息。举例:the noise of the street kept me awake. 街上的吵闹声让我睡不着。the noise of the rain nearly drowned our conversation. 雨声大得果然提升了咱们的谈话声。
sound暗意“声息”,含义很无为,指任何不错听到的声息,包括好听及令东说念主不快的声息。举例:all of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry. 倏得,有了枪响声和哭声。did you hear the strange sound from the next room this morning? 今天早上你是否听到近邻房间发出的怪声息?
voice暗意“嗓音”,一般指东说念主谈话,唱歌或笑的声息。举例:the little girl has a beautiful voice. 这个小女孩有一副好嗓子。the singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold. 这位歌手由于重伤风而失去了银铃般的嗓音。
11、not to say, not to speak of
这两个短语形似而道理不同。not to say作“虽弗成说,即使弗成说”解,暗意一种古老的语气。not to speak of作“更毋庸说,更不待言”解,相等于to say nothing of, 用来暗意追补道理。举例:it is rather cool, not to say cold. 天气虽弗成说冷,但也算是相等凉了。he sounded impolite, not to say rude. 他那样谈话,即使不算汗漫,亦然不规定的。she knows german and french, not to speak of english. 她懂德文和法文,更毋庸说英文了。he cannot find money for bread, not to speak of fish and meat. 他连面包也无钱买,更毋庸说鱼和肉了。
下一讲户外 sex,咱们将学习以字母o开动的短语辨析。